Matt Chandler | Mar 19, 2016
I am the true vine. Jesus claims to be the True Israel, the planting of the Lord. Jesus is the True Vine, and His peo...
Matt Chandler | Mar 13, 2016
I am the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus claims to be the true revelation from the Father. No one comes to the Fa...
Matt Chandler | Feb 28, 2016
I am the good shepherd. Jesus claims to be One with God, leading the lost sheep to the Father. He is the Shepherd of ...
Robert Daniels | Feb 21, 2016
I am the door. Jesus claims to be the one and only opening to God. Through Jesus, the people of God will be brought ...
Jamin Roller | Feb 7, 2016
I am the bread of life. Jesus claims to be the ultimate satisfaction for all people, more than mere manna in the wild...
Matt Chandler | Jan 31, 2016
The Gospel of John paints a profound picture of Jesus ChristHis character, His motives, His interactionsas He echoes ...
Robert Daniels | Dec 27, 2015
Jamin Roller | Dec 26, 2015
Adam Griffin | Dec 26, 2015
Matt Chandler | Dec 20, 2015
The ancient Jews had a word to describe better days: shalom, or peace. It signified a coming day when all of creation...
Matt Chandler | Dec 13, 2015
The Book of Zephaniah contains a wonderful and moving description of God's love. We dont deserve Gods love, but He of...
Matt Chandler | Dec 6, 2015
Sometimes God allows suffering in our lives for our holiness and happiness. In the Book of Malachi, God sent the prop...